Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
2 过马路时牵她的手。即使吵架。
3 一定要有属于你们自己的房子,即使不大。
4 一起听她喜欢的歌和她爱看的电影,陪她感动。
5 让她躺在你的腿上,可以抚摸她的头发。
6 她洗澡的时候唱歌给她听,让她不觉得闷。
7 哄她吃她不爱吃但有营养的食物。
8 用情侣牙刷,然后把你的牙刷和她的偷偷换一下。
9 当她很累时给她捏捏肩,捏捏脚,然后挠她脚心逗她开心。
10 偷偷录下她走来走去和睡觉的样子。不管她耍赖还是威胁就
11 没有理由的抱抱她。
12 她写的东西我一定用心的看,读懂内心的那个她。
13 周末为她做她喜欢吃的东西,然后散步。
14 在大天广众之下背她或停下来拥抱她。
15 在街上走的时候不会离她超过1米远的距离。
16 进餐厅的门或出图书馆的时候一定为她拉门让她先走。
17 陪她买菜杀价,她做饭你做汤。
18 趁她半睡半醒间为她盖被子,醒来先看看熟睡的她,然后亲
19 在她特殊时期为她端上热的红糖水,然后若无其事的看电视
20 偶尔早上打电话给她,听她佣懒的声音然后问她想吃什么给
21 给她取可爱的外号,只有你能叫。
22 手机和电脑的背景一定是她的照片或你们的合影。
23 手机上的昵称一定是和别人不一样的,当你打给她时,她的
24 在家帮她梳个幼稚的发型,然后叫她女儿。
25 如果出差一定带东西给她,虽然不贵,但证明你时刻都在想
26 她坐上车,一定先为她拉上安全带,再为自己拉。
27 当她想要松开的时候一定再坚持抱她一会。
28 永远不会丢下她一个人,就算你无理取闹也一定要让她安全
29 你心情不好的时候能同她说说,如果你不想说,就让你抱一
30 刚上的饭菜一定装作抢着吃的样子,多为她夹些。
31 当她无助时你能陪她爬爬山,看看夕阳。
32 吵架后绝对不冷战,哄她之后告诉她你是为她好。
33 睡觉的时候喜欢她抱着你,但当她背过身去一定也转身然后
34 在她做家务的时候为她拍照,告诉她穿围裙的样子也一样很
35 如果她生病了一定细心照顾她,因为这时候她最脆弱,为她
36 钱包里一定有她的照片。
37 下班回来一定会大声的说:老婆,我回来了。
38 半夜故意把被子往自己这边拉,让她离自己近些。
39 听她嘱咐我按时吃饭,多喝水多吃水果,说她罗嗦然后吻她
40 打雷的时候把她揽到怀里睡,然后说:我怕怕。
41 帮她擦她吃东西留在嘴边的奶油的和果酱。
42 留一点点的胡渣在亲她的时候扎扎她。
43 在她的朋友面前细心的照顾她,让他们知道她的选择是对的
44 在你的朋友面前细心的照顾她,不让她觉得你冷落了她。
45 有生之年陪她去趟她喜欢的城市或国家。
46 当她发呆,做饭,拖地或趴在阳台的时候,你会在身后揽住
47 不许她说对不起。告诉她这是圣旨。但可以用老公真好这四
48 即使是冬天,她说口渴你也会一溜烟下床帮她倒水,但回来
49 当她钱包里钱不多的时候,你会拿给她说:帮我买双袜子,
50 让她爱上你爱的游戏,让她爱上你爱的球队。
51 一起养只宠物。
52 在她能看到的地方写篇文章。
53 带她去游乐园,电影院,图书馆,博物馆,漫画展和小酒吧
54 有一首关于我们故事的歌。每次去KTV都要唱。
55 当她要和你商量事情或说不开心的事的时候,一定放下手中
56 如果有天她要离开你,你会挽留,也会放她走。告诉她受委
57 抱着一颗感激的心和她相处,当你想发脾气的时候,你要学
58 下雨的时候打一把伞,迈一样的步伐踩水花不让天气影响她
59 去餐厅点她喜欢的菜,如果实在点不出就点没吃过的,一起
60 在你朋友和父母面前会夸赞她。不管她是否在场。
61 当她不理你时,就模仿她的动作、她的声音、她的表情、她
62 送她回家一定把她送到门口,告诉她明天会来接她。
63 如果你有一天出了意外,希望她能找个人替你爱她照顾她。
What a tiring day yesterday! Started my 1st day, working in a restaurant in the city. Everything was so new to me, new staffs, new environment, and new experience! Arrived at the restaurant around 9.20am and waited for the manager to come around 9.30am. She taught me a lot before we got into the busy lunch hours! I couldn’t be at the front counter because I was still newbie and was not familiar with the menu yet, so I was in charge of the cleaning up! Rushed in and out to clear the table for the flow of customers! It was not really easy to work during the lunch hours and I was in the shift! It was really busy and tiring. However, the manager told me that it was not really considered busy yesterday! OMG! Are you sure? That was not considered a busy one? Then I really can’t imagine how busy will it be if it is considered “BUSY”! Finish my shift around 2pm, it was time for me to go home and ready up for my evening class!
At night, I tried to call him and asked for my test paper which I sent him requesting his help on some questions! However, he was out for supper with his client, AGAIN! Failed to ask what I wanted to, I hung up the call.
Was not able to fall asleep after I had lied on the bed for about half an hour, picked up my phone again, I called him instead! He didn’t pick up my call. Got his SMS after few seconds telling me that he missed my call. I called back again and we talked. He was as well hanging out with a bunch of friends at a stall near his apartment. Was planning to hang up the call so that I won’t be disturbing him for the hang out, but he insisted to talk! Okay, at least he is a different one! We talked for about an hour, and I was grumbling a lot. He is really a good friend to talk to; he never rejects my request, even though how ridiculous my request will be… He is being a caring one; he’ll always be the one accompanying me whenever I need him to. Seriously, having a good friend like him is really much better than having a lover who can hardly be there for me when I need him to be!!!
* he = SN, he = B
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
关于微笑:被人误解的时候能微微的一笑,这是一种素养 (he always misunderstood me, but I no longer got the energy to explain anymore, just to strained a smile on my face and let it be);
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Went to sing karaoke with friends last night at cyber city in fortitude valley! It costs AUD 36.90 ea; including dinner and drinks where ea person can choose one dish along with rice, but it was still so expensive man! It was a session of 4 hours which you can sing as many songs as you want within the period. It was really fun, being the first time to sing in Brisbane since I was here since last July. The songs are still considered quite updated, at least some of the new songs I haven’t listen before. Maybe it’s because I hardly get updated to new Mandarin songs for a long time. The dishes provided were actually quite nice! I really enjoy the food so much.
After that, we all followed on a friend’s car home. However, he missed so many turnings and ended up the one who was supposed to go home first became the last one to go home! LOL! Poor driver, he had to fetch 5 of us home before he can go home! Wakakaka! Never mind, he is a nice guy though! Next Wednesday will be Stella’s birthday. Had a plan with Jace to get a shared present for her tomorrow in the city and as well do a little shopping, I guess? Wonder what to get for her… Hmmm…
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Have been thinking a lot lately, maybe it’s because I’m not that busy this semester, ends up I’ve got a lot of leisure time.
Read a blog titled “Relationship and Flings”. It was really an interesting post. As this reminds me about whether or not I was clear enough on all my pre-relationships… I’d been into so many relationships before, and I found out that not every single one can be said as “being in a relationship”. Those were to be ‘qualified’ as a relationship, should at least be more than half a year, I guess. So, seriously, I was not into so many relationships but flings instead.
What’s fling? Through Wikipedia, you’ll know that fling is a brief of casual relationship. And what’s a casual relationship? It is defined as a physical and emotional relationship between two people who may have a sexual relationship or a near-sexual relationship without necessarily demanding or expecting the extra commitments of a more formal romantic relationship. Yes! That’s what I’d gone through so many times, lasted for few months and ended without any commitments! No pain, no awkward feelings, and definitely continues on with friendship.
I don’t know why I failed in all the past relationships. However, I do believe that relationship is based on both parties but not one! Sometimes, I’m so envy of friends with long term relationship. Why can’t I be like them? I always ask myself the question that I can never get the answer!
When time goes by as my experience gained from pain and memories, I don’t trust promises and commitments! They are not meant to be kept but to break… So, I don’t give any promises as well because I don’t have the full confident on achieving one!
Few days ago, I chatted with a guy which he seemed to face a lot of problems in his previous relationships. And definitely, he felt very upset! As being a stranger for him, he shared so much of his inner voice and I was being a good audience, tried to listen and to comfort him. He asked me about mine, too. And the only thing I told him was “when you no longer have the faith in love, then you’ll no longer feel the pain in love…” He was shocked on what I typed and so did I. Is it true that I no longer have faith? Or it is just an excuse for me to run away from something/someone? I don’t know. I guess I’m just too tired of being in the world of “romantic relationship”!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
(Afro Medusa, Seamus Haji, David Guetta, LMFAO)
He introduces so many nice songs for me and I love them so much! He is definitely an amusing one! He doesn’t act like his age, definitely NOT! He is way younger than what he actually is! It is really a waste of being a flight steward and has not enough time to be in any relationship! With his look and his personality, he would probably married by now! Not really knowing well about him, but I hope that he won’t be a bad one! It is really hard to meet someone that can talk crap with you all the time and he did! That was great! I really do enjoy chatting with this kind of person. No hard feeling and you don’t feel awkward!
Got his SMS around 12++am, I was just preparing to sleep. Feeling happy that he’ll SMS me that he promised to and he did! However, I was too tired and dizzy. After a few SMS, I fall asleep.
Woke up quite early this morning around 9.30am! It’s Sunday and I don’t have any plan! Had some cereal for breakfast and sat back in front of my laptop. Checked on my MSN and this time I got his offline messages showing a time stamp around 5am! Gosh! He was still awake at 3am? Probably just get back from work/drinking with his co-workers? Alerting me about my objective of being in Brisbane and not to forget about taking good care of my own!
PS: Of course I know that and YOU need not to worry, okay? I’ll always remember what YOU said!
* he = M , he = B , he/you = SN
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Last night was a crazy night, at least for my housemates; they did have a crazy party! Everyone dressed with recyclable materials such as plastic bags, paper boxes, etc. The party started around 9pm. Before that, one of the housemates came and knocked on my door and asked me to join them for the party! I said “Okay, maybe later!” Shut my door and continued on with my internet surfing. It was so lively out at the dining hall. Didn’t really feel like joining them for the party. I stayed in my room with my headset on, listening to the songs that I had just finished downloading.
About 2 hours later, again someone knocked on my door! It was a guy this time, a stranger, and he invited me passionately to join them for the party! I tried to reject but I failed. So I went out of my room to the dining hall, standing there not knowing what to do and just looked at the crowd. Everyone was awesome with their innovative outfits! All the guys were naked at the upper part! That was HOT! Girls were all sexy and seducing! WOW! What kind of party was this? I thought my housemate was telling me that this is a ‘Welcoming Party’?
A moment later, I went back to my room, I just can’t fit into the crowd! Around 11pm, I grabbed my towel and walked to the shower. Tried to keep myself awake as I didn’t know when will the party ended and I can’t sleep with the party ON! After awhile, another knocking on my door and I heard someone shouting “Jeanette! Jeanette! Come out!” Okay, I guessed this time I can’t run away! Went out again with another housemate holding my hand, walking around the dining hall to meet some new friends! (I can barely remember their names now) There were about 30-40 people!!! How can I remember their names under this kind of surroundings?
Sat back on the couch, I looked around and suddenly, the guy that knocked on my door at the very first time showed up. His very first line was “Finally, I see you again!” We talked to each other and the only few things I remembered about him is – Jason, American, Engineering Program at UQ! Gosh! Another Jason! I have had tons of friends named Jason! Meanwhile, my housemate introduced another guy. What’s his name? I’d forgotten! I can only remember that he is a Mexican and also a business management student from UQ!
The party continued on until 3am and the dining hall was a total mess! They'd promised to clean it up after the party. I hope so! I headed back to my room feeling exhausted! After replying his SMS which I left out hours ago, I fall asleep in seconds!
* he = B
Friday, March 12, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Thought of him when I was walking home. We used to walk home several times from the city and from Toowong. Suddenly, HE popped into my mind, telling me not to think of those sad, disappointed and past moments! As HE told me to quote HIS words to him before - "No need to understand as you know better and no need to frame me for all the past tense. Which I never did to you. Your pea brain don't seem like work as you could. As you have all along being so selfish and selfminded. I do have my life and I didn't leave you any offline message which I can talk it out rather than doing it cowardly. Stop acting like an old child!!" HE was angry, angry of him being so rude to me till I was so sad and cried in the phone. I can understand why is HE so angry. However, I don't have the courage to quote HIS words to him, as this will make endless problems and wrangles! Everything is a PAST. And I don't want anything to be more complicated! I want PEACE!
Thanks to HIM! I know HE cares about me, but I just can't promise anything/do anything for HIM. So sorry!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Yea, she's right! Gonna take care of myself really well so that my illness won't get any worse. Or else, someone's gonna scold me for being not careful enough! What will I need? Rest more and drink more water, intake of Vitamin C? Yea, I guess so!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
After the event, we went to have our early dinner at a Korean BBQ Restaurant. The food is nice, but expensive!
Tomorrow, it's time for me to search for a part-time job in the city! Or else I'll be too free this semester staying at home like a hobo! Printed my resume and as well apply some of the part-time jobs online! Wish me luck ok? Thanks ya~!
Still he can't understand me, not even a little bit of me...
He only believe that what he thinks is right, never listen for explanations, never accept any, too! We have been together for about half a year and he can never understand me, can't even read my mind for just a little bit. Compare to my friend which I have known for a very short period of time, he can understand who I really need and what I am thinking all the time. How can this happen? Is it because he never sincere enough? Or just because I'm too hard to be understood?
And HIM, popped into me in Facebook just after my slight argument which made me so upset and HIM, as well can be sensitive enough to feel something was not right in me! Gosh...! The whole world can understand me and he CAN'T! Feeling much better after talking with HIM in the phone. Don't really want to mention much about what happened, but HE can probably guess it with no doubt. After the call, I fall asleep in no time!
Thanks for always being there for me, you guys are always my good friends ever!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
It is kinda confusing recently, questions are all around my mind. Why is he acting so weird? Am I not caring enough or I care too much? Is it so hard to be friends? I just don’t understand. What’s wrong with him… I’m really trying to be friendly… Am I overdone it?
Housemates will be having party later at the living hall. She invited me to join, but I refused. Our channel is just too different I guess. I found it so hard to blend in…
Spider web on my window casement continuing to the fence, with a spider hanging on the web…Ewww…Disgusting!!! No one can help me to clear that thing, and I’m so afraid of bugs… What can I do? Sigh~~~
Chatted in the MSN with a friend last night and he kept telling me the same line over and over – “Maybe you think that you’re not as good as what I see, but you’re not as bad as what you think you’re… Just maintain who you’re and don’t change any of you…” While, another friend was telling me that “No matter how complicated you think you’re, only someone that truly know you well can understand who you really are…” I’m so happy to have both of them as my friends, because they really can read my mind very very well…! Lucky to have friends like them… Really appreciate that…
* he = L , he(MSN) = PY , he = K
Monday, March 1, 2010
Another rainy day. The weather is really cool outside. I prefer to stay at home and have a nice nap, but I got class at 5pm today. I left my apartment approximately 4.30pm with my umbrella that I bought years ago without using it more than 10 times, I guess. I rushed to the bus stop to catch the bus which was about to take-off, and my legs were half wet due to the water splash. Sigh!
The lecturer was really cute. Her teaching was just like a kindergarten teacher. We laughed the whole class period. However, we did learn a lot as well. After a 2 hours lecture, the rain remained the same. Drizzling!
I’m having headache now, might because of getting a bit of the rain just now. Wondering what is he doing now? Does he miss me like I do? Hope everything is fine. Gonna continue streaming my show now!!! XD
* he = L