Thursday, April 1, 2010


Was on the phone with him last night until 3am, ended up I was late to work this morning for 5 minutes. On my way to my working place, I saw someone dressed like some kinda cosplay costume! Look exactly like some of the costume designs in a game called AUDITION! It really did catch one's eyes early in the morning with his draggle-tail black jacket hits the floor and his bloody-red dye on half of his hair!!!

Really tried my best to do all the works before the shop open, still I failed which I was supposed to finish everything alone around 10.00am! Luckily I managed to finish up everything before 10.30am, and the customers only started to come around 11.00am. Phew!!! Today was not really considered hectic as to compare with days before, as we got more staffs on my shift. Felt so release to see more staffs, at least I won't be the only one to clear up the tables alone rushing in and out of the kitchen just to provide available seats for the overloading customers during lunch hours!

AND...... Tomorrow is HOLIDAY and a continuing one for the next whole week! WOOHOO!!! Can't wait for the Easter party to come! Monday! Monday! Monday! However, thinking of the shift for Tuesday, this is really a pull-down mood for me! Sigh!

* He - SN

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