Saturday, March 14, 2009


Just because of the Teh C Bing just now, I'm staying awake until now
Now I'm trying to force myself into sleep, but I failed
Went downstairs for a glass of fresh milk, it seemed to be helpless
Eyes can hardly open, my body is so exhausted
But why? Why I can't fall asleep under these situations?
Struggling on the bed for so long, had my eyes closed for an hour
Still I was turning left & right, just can't get into dream
Forced to wake up again, and start to type something into my blog
Still chatting with my BFF in MSN, but it's already 2.21 am
There's still something I need to settle tomorrow morning
I'm seriously need to sleep right now! I mean NOW~!

3 f.e.e.d.b.a.c.k.s:

~G~ said...

sofa ~~ ~
wahkaka ~~~ :P
sleep lar ~~~ :P
good night ~ :P

Unknown said...

aiks...finally can sleep liao la...around 3am...-.-"...

janetgan said...

haha... now 240am..!!

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