Saturday, March 7, 2009


This was the TV series 盛世仁杰 that I had just finished last night.
It's about an upright magistrate named 狄仁杰 who tries his best to help the people to reverse those previous judgements and put them down to justice. Besides, it also shows the conflict in between ministers. For me, it's a quite nice series to watch.

These are the DVDs I borrowed from my friend few days ago. So long so far, I had finished almost all of them. Overall there are 20++ DVDs. However, some are not really nice for me & some are quite blur, so I skipped whichever that are not nice.

ONE PIECE is one of the animation I watch all the time whenever there's newly released episode. Once I finish downloaded each epi, I'll watched it in no time and deleted it right after I finish the epi. My brother is the one keeps the whole full series of it. Haha~! If anyone is interesting in borrowing it, please do let me know. I'll try to ask from my brother when he is back from KL in the middle of this APRIL. This is really an interesting animation.
Another animation that I watch is BLEACH. My brother doesn't really into this animation. Same as ONE PIECE, I deleted it right after I finished each epi. Due to the limited space of my HDD, I don't keep any copies of this animation. XD~!

Yeap, these are the reasons why I'm always sitting in front of my laptop during my free time at home, even causing me to seldom reply the MSN msg from my friends. Sorry guys~!

0 f.e.e.d.b.a.c.k.s:

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