Monday, October 12, 2009


Went to DreamWorld last Saturday with him, it was a wonderful day. We reached there around 12pm after our brunch. It was a sunny & windy day. The ticket for whole day pass in DreamWorld (dry park) is $69, excluding WhiteWater (water park). I was so excited because that was the first time I went to DreamWorld. All the machineries are well decorated especially for the children’s part with cartoon ornaments all around the area.

I really enjoyed the colourful design of the place, everything looked attracting to me. We started our walk with something more static, not much action and peaceful, that’s the wildlife experience. Walked around and looked around all the wildlife, what attracted me the most is the Bilby. It is an endangered small tiny creature looked like rabbit/rat with a long tail. It was really cute. Another creature which really drew my attention was the Wombat. It is a pig-look animal and extremely cute too. After the wildlife walk, we went for something dynamic.

Went for rides on most of the machineries and I yelled hysterically. Got a little bit dizzy after the second ride and I guessed it was time for me to rest. Rushed to the wildlife area for the wildlife presentation show at 2.30pm, the show was about information of the wildlife of Australia. They presented the snake, owl and Bilby. After that, we had a chance for a closer look at Bilby. It is awesomely cute. We headed back to the Tower of Terror, a high-speed machinery, with just 30 seconds course of event. Before that, we passed by the tiger presentation show and stopped by for awhile to look at the tiger performance.

He kept persuading me for the ride of the roller coaster, but I really didn’t want to have a try on that because of some bad past experience and I am trying hard to put the past behind. He looked very disappointed on that, yet I really felt sorry to him. We left DreamWorld around 4 something, he suggested for a drive to Gold Coast. However, we didn’t stay long in Gold Coast because he felt very tired. Rushing home and he fell asleep in no time. Had our late dinner at around 11.30pm, I was exhausted and had a heavy sleep right after the dinner.

PS: Want to thank my dear for the DreamWorld trip, I was really enjoying it and hope to have another trip with him real soon. Thanks, my dear!!!

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