Monday, September 21, 2009


Woke up quite early this morning and grabbed some bread with butter as my breakfast, I got a call from one of my group member asking when will I be going to class later. After the call, I turned on my laptop and started to finalize all my speech for the presentation later. Not knowing whether the content of the speech was actually on the right track or not, I don’t really want to care that much since there can no longer be any changes for the presentation slides.

The presentation started approximately 2pm at the exhibition hall. Everyone seemed to be well prepared. I was a bit nervous. There were a lecturer and two tutors to be there for the presentation. My group was the 2nd group to present. When the 1st group presented until the middle of the slides, I was shocked. The slides appear with the almost same information that I was going to present later. OMG! I was freaked out. I didn’t really know what to do. I can’t change the slides, I can’t change my speech, I can’t search for other topics and I got no time for another research. My group member stared at me by the time the slides appeared on the screen of the 1st group. I knew what and why he stared. I kept asking him what was I supposed to do. He tried to calm me down and asked me to add more detail information into my speech for each building. I was about to cry that time.

Then that’s the time for our group to present. I can’t really calm myself down. Holding my speech in my hand, my brain went blank. The only line went through my brain is “What should I do?” It was my turn to present. Standing in front of the lecturer, tutors and other classmates, I started my presentation with a thrilling voice. While I was presenting, I can see the tutors and lecturer kept nodding. I was actually getting calmed by the nodding in them. After our group presentation, they gave us some advices and feedbacks. And you know what? Their comments were actually way better than what I expected. I was so relieved. Happy! It’s actually 2 down and 1 to go. JOURNAL! I haven’t started a single word yet. Aw~!!!

For the semester break, I guess I won’t be able to relax much actually. There’ll be tons of assignments due right after the break. So how can I stay relax for the break? I still need to rush for all the assignments, especially for the design course’s assignments. The final crit for the course is just right after the break. Argh~!

0 f.e.e.d.b.a.c.k.s:

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