Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Someone called me yesterday...The conversation was...
X: Hello, is this Jeanette?
Me: Yeah, and you are?
X: I'm calling to ask whether you're still available for part-time job...
Me: Oh, really? But I have a job already. And may I know where is this calling from?
X: This is from Myer Centre XXX house (can't really remember the name of his shop)...
Me: Erm...(actually I was so regret about my honesty, and planning to request for an interview)
X: Nevermind then, it's good to hear that you got a job. Bye~
Me: Oh, thanks...Bye~

ARGH~ Stupid me!!! Stupid me!!! I missed an opportunity to may-be getting a higher pay job!!!

Got a free sample yoghurt this morning while I was walking to work. It's yoghurt & grains with banana honey flavour! 1st impression, WEIRD!!! I put it in the fridge at my working place and started another busy working day. After my shift, I was still able to remember to bring it home (I'm kinda forgetful everytime)! Tasted a little bit of it, it was not bad~~~ It smelled like yoghurt, tasted exactly like banana with bites of grains, but I didn't get honey at all!

0 f.e.e.d.b.a.c.k.s:

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