Thursday, February 5, 2009


(a special gift from me to you "Angel loves Devil)
PS: design all by myself (A for Adrian & J for Jeanette)

Although your birthday passed quite sometime, but this keychain really meant alot to me.
We both got the same keychains, they are a pair of the only one in the world designed by me.
I really hope that you can keep it as long as you could.
No matter what happen in the future.

(red packets I get for CNY 2009)
The amount of my 2009 CNY ang pow is a secret.XD
This CNY is a quite unforgettable celebration for me because it gets me seriously addicted to LAMI!!!lolx~~~

(Design that I like the most, by Mercedes Benz)

0 f.e.e.d.b.a.c.k.s:

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