Sunday, March 28, 2010


Awoken by a loud banging sound of the door this morning, wondered what was happening? Who the hell was banging the door so hard? After that, I can no longer fall asleep, so I had to wake up. Ate some of the leftover food, can't manage to finish the whole thing, I put it back to the fridge. Walked into the shower and ready up for another shopping session! Main purpose was to buy my slippers!

Reached the city and met up with my friend around 12.45pm, went to Hanaichi for lunch, waited about 15 minutes on the queue! Then, we went straight to City Beach to grab my slippers! However, some of the items were on season sale! We were so excited and busy seeking for cheap items! Was unable to find my slippers from the adult section, so I went to the teenager section! Finally, I got a pair of Roxy with Rainbow design...
Moved back to the adult section where another friend had just arrived, they started to search for bikinis! The bikinis were all ON SALE! Can't really resist the temptation of it, I rushed to join my friends on the search! Tried for several and we each got a pair of bikinis! Planning for a trip to Gold Coast during Easter break which the bikinis can soon come in handy! LOL!
Went to Dotti and this time, my friend bought a black twinkling cap which she decided to wear it for Easter event of Klub Kandy! Then, we went for some nail colours which costing only $2 each... My friend bought almost half a dozen!
After that, we went to Starbucks for a drink and got our dinner at a Vietnamese Restaurant before going home!

What a big spending day again!!! Tomorrow is going to be another busy working day (although it's only for 4 hours with a lunch period of 2 hours)! Tired! So tired!

0 f.e.e.d.b.a.c.k.s:

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